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1 Genotyping Case

$ 25.00

This product includes the genotyping of 1 bird and the paternity relationship between this bird and to suspected parents (Father and mother). Three samples will be considered as one case. (Chick, Suspected Father, Suspected Mother) . Any additional samples will be considered as separate cases.

The objective is to confirm the chick’s relation genetically for the possible parents (to determining whether or not there are paternity relationships between the bird and its possible parents)
Kindly must attach the completely filled Lovebird Parentage testing record sheet along samples. Any incomplete information will lead to delay of test.

Results will be delivered within 10 business days from receipt of the sample.

Types of samples that you can send us: blood on paper or on a sterile swab, the test can also be performed with 5-7 larger plucked feathers that have a visible shaft.



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